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teaching yoga as a side job
Can yoga teaching complement a busy career? Discover how professionals like a CFO, psychologist, and finance partner balance their careers with teaching yoga. Explore the benefits of yoga as a second job, from personal fulfillment to stress relief and community connection.
Teachers at Hot Yoga Copenhagen
Meet the incredible yoga teachers at Hot Yoga Copenhagen. From their expertise and creativity to their passion for inclusivity, our teachers are here to guide, inspire, and support you on your yoga journey.
Why Our Premium Membership is the Ultimate Hot Yoga Experience
Discover the freedom of practicing Hot Yoga without the hassle. With our Premium Membership, you get a ready-to-use mat, fresh towels every visit, and laundry service for your gear. It's never been easier to make Hot Yoga a part of your everyday routine. Practice carefree, whenever you like!
6 Weeks Intensive Yoga Education May-June 2024
6 Weeks Yoga Teacher Training Education In Copenhagen May-June 2024
Is Spring a good time to join a Yoga Teacher Training?
Is Spring a good time to join a Yoga Teacher Training Program? IT IS!
5 Reasons to take a Yoga teacher training program
Learn more about the reasons for joining a Yoga teacher training program.
Studio Classes & Workshops
Backbend Special
80 Minutes Workshop
Welcome to our Backbend Mastery Workshop, an enlightening journey into spine anatomy and core empowerment designed to elevate your backbend practice to new heights. In this immersive experience, you'll delve deep into the intricacies of the spine, fortify your core foundation, and master advanced backbend postures. Join us and unlock the secrets to graceful, expressive backbends that will leave you feeling more robust, flexible, and spiritually connected. Feel welcome to book this session only if you consider yourself an experienced Yoga practitioner
Split Special
80 Minutes Workshop
Join our Split Special Class, a dedicated journey towards achieving graceful and effortless splits. In this immersive experience, you'll focus on unlocking flexibility in your hips and legs, empowering you to perform splits efficiently. Delve deep into targeted stretches and techniques to enhance your lower body's range of motion. Join us to discover the secrets of achieving beautiful splits, perfect for anyone looking to increase their flexibility and unlock their full potential.
Inversion Special
80 Minutes Workshop
Step into the Inversion Oasis, a unique class that will flip your yoga practice on its head. In this immersive experience, we'll take you on a journey into the art of inversions, building physical strength and mental resilience. Dive into the mechanics of inversions, establish a firm foundation, and refine your inversion techniques. Join us in uncovering the secrets to fluid, confident inversions that will leave you feeling grounded, empowered, and spiritually attuned. This class is perfect for experienced yogis looking to elevate their practice and embrace the upside-down world of inversions.

All Four Position (Tabletop) Builds wrist & shoulder strength, and aligns the spine. Improves focus, and fosters stability.

Bear Pose Strengthens shoulders & core, enhances coordination. Builds resilience, increases confidence.

Boat Pose Tones core muscles and improves balance. Builds confidence and energizes the mind.

Cat Pose Increases spine flexibility, and relieves tension. Promotes emotional balance, and calms the nerves.

Cow Pose Stretches the front body, and improves posture. Enhances digestion, and fosters positivity.

Dolphin Pose Strengthens arms & shoulders, stretches hamstrings. Cultivates inner strength, and promotes patience.

Down Dog Strengthens arms & legs, lengthens the spine. It improves focus and reduces stress.

Easy Seated Position Promotes calmness, and enhances hip flexibility. Quiets the mind, and fosters self-awareness.

Easy Seated Falling Forward Deepens hip & hamstring stretch. Encourages surrender, relieves stress.

Easy Seated with Twist Enhances spinal mobility, and improves digestion. Stimulates creativity, and brings mental clarity.

Grabbing Opposite Foot from Behind on All Four Strengthens back, and improves flexibility in shoulders. Enhances focus, and stability.

Stretching One Arm with Opposite Leg on All Four Improves balance & coordination. Engages core muscles, and boosts mental concentration.

Three Legged Dog Strengthens shoulders & hips, and improves balance. Increases alertness, and releases tension.

Wild Thing Opens chest & shoulders, strengthens arms & legs. Boosts mood, and fosters joy.

Warrior 1 Strengthens legs and opens hips. Instills a sense of inner power and strength.

Warrior 2 Builds stamina and improves concentration. Cultivates mental endurance and determination.

Warrior 3 Strengthens legs, core & back. Enhances balance and mental focus.

Bow Pose Stretches the entire front body and strengthens back muscles. Invokes courage and openness.

Forearm Plank Strengthens core, shoulders & arms. Develops mental resilience and inner strength.

High Cobra Strengthens back, arms, and shoulders. Improves posture and respiratory function.

High Lunge (One Arm Up, Spine Twist) Strengthens legs and stretches the spine. Detoxify the inner organs. Cultivates mental clarity and focus.

High Lunge (Arms Up, Knees Up) Strengthens legs and opens the chest. Boosts confidence and empowers the mind.

Locust Pose (Arms Under Body) Strengthens back, glutes, and legs. Increases focus and mental clarity.

Locust Pose (Interlocked Fingers from Behind) Strengthens the back and glutes and improves spinal flexibility. Improves inner strength and determination.

Low Cobra Strengthens back muscles and opens the chest. Energizes and invigorates the body.

Low Lunge (Arms Up, One Knee Down) Stretches hip flexors and quadriceps, improves balance— Fosters emotional release and courage.

Low Lunge (One Arm Up, Spine Twist) Stretches the spine and opens the chest. Detoxify the inner organs. Encourages a sense of renewal and release.

Lower Down Chaturanga (Elbows Touching Body) Strengthens arms, shoulders & core. Cultivates discipline and willpower.

Peaceful Warrior Stretches side body, opens the chest. Promotes a sense of inner peace and tranquility.

Plank Pose Tones core muscles and strengthens arms & legs. Builds resilience and inner stability.

Plank Pose with Both Knees Down It engages core muscles and builds upper body strength. Cultivates patience and self-compassion.

Plank Pose with One Knee Down Strengthens arms & core, improves balance. Promotes mental focus and perseverance.

Side Plank Tones oblique and improve balance. Enhances mental grit and determination.

Side Plank with One Knee Down Strengthens arms & obliques and improves stability. Encourages a sense of balance and self-assurance.

Upward Facing Dog Stretches chest and abdomen, strengthens arms & back. Promotes vitality and confidence.

Arching Warrior (Both Hands on Back Thigh) Stretches the front body, opens chest. Invokes a sense of expansion and freedom.

Chair Pose (Arms Forward) Strengthens legs and engages the core. Builds mental endurance and determination.

Chair Pose with Twist Strengthens legs and core, detoxifies the body. Enhances mental clarity and perseverance.

Classic Chair Pose Strengthens legs, opens chest. Cultivates mental and physical stamina.

Dancer Pose Stretches front body, improves balance. Promotes a sense of grace and elegance.

Eagle Pose Stretches shoulders & hips, improves balance. Encourages mental clarity and concentration.

Grab Big Toe/Heel Forward (Standing) Stretches hamstrings and improves balance. Enhances mental focus and stability.

Half Moon Strengthens legs and engages the core. Cultivates mental and physical balance.

Humble Warrior Strengthens legs, opens chest & shoulders. Cultivates humility and surrender.

Mountain Pose (Arms Above Head, Interlocked Fingers Grounds the body and improves posture. Promotes a sense of confidence and stability.

One-Legged Chair Twist Pose Strengthens legs and engages the core. Improves balance and mental focus.

Revolved Half Moon Improves hip flexibility, and opens the chest. Invokes a sense of expansion and release.

Side Stretch/Side Bend with Interlocked Fingers Stretches side body and opens shoulders. Invokes a sense of expansion and release.

Side Stretch/Side Bend with Open Arms Stretches side body, opens chest & shoulders. Cultivates a feeling of openness and spaciousness.

Standing Figure Four Pose Stretches hips & glutes, improves balance. Encourages focus and concentration.

Standing Split Stretches hamstrings and improves balance. Enhances mental focus and determination.

Tree Pose Improves balance and focus. Fosters a sense of grounding and stability.

Triangle Pose Bind Stretches side body and opens the chest. Enhances mental clarity and concentration.

Triangle Pose (Bent Front Knee) Stretches hamstrings and hips and improves balance. Encourages mental focus and stability.

Triangle Pose (Straight Front Knee) Stretches hamstrings and hips and improves balance. Encourages mental focus and stability.

Bridge Pose (One Foot Up) Strengthens legs and opens hips. Fosters a sense of grounding and stability.

Bridge Pose Strengthens back, glutes, and thighs. Invokes a sense of openness and vulnerability.

Clown Pose Strengthens arms and core, improves balance. Encourages a playful and lighthearted spirit.

Crow Pose Strengthens arms and core, improves balance. Cultivates mental focus and determination.

Dragonfly Pose Stretches inner thighs and hamstrings. Promotes a sense of freedom and expansion.

Eight-Angle Pose Strengthens arms, core & hips: Cultivates balance and mental focus.

Fish Pose Opens the chest and throat and improves posture. Invokes a sense of expansion and openness.

Forearm Balance Builds upper body strength and balance. Enhances mental concentration and focus.

Handstand Strengthens arms and shoulders and improves balance. Fosters a sense of courage and determination.

Happy Baby Stretches hips and inner thighs, releases tension. Encourages playfulness and joy.

Headstand Improves balance and core strength. Cultivates mental focus and inner stability.

Pigeon Pose Stretches hips and thighs, releases tension. Encourages emotional release and letting go.

Plow Pose Stretches the spine, shoulders & hamstrings. Promotes mental clarity and inner reflection.

Scorpion Strengthens back and improves flexibility. Encourages fearlessness and self-expression.

Shavasana Relaxes the body and mind. Cultivates a deep sense of relaxation and inner peace.

Shoulder Stand Stimulates thyroid and improves circulation. Invokes a sense of calm and tranquility.

Side Crow Strengthens arms, core & obliques. Enhances balance and mental concentration.

Standing Head to Knee Improves balance and stretches hamstrings. Cultivates mental focus and concentration.

Tripod Inversion Pose Builds arm and shoulder strength. Invokes a sense of adventure and exploration.

Universal Twist Detoxifies the body and improves spinal flexibility. Enhances mental clarity and release.

Wheel Pose Strengthens back, arms, and legs. Promotes a feeling of empowerment and fearlessness.