Learning Center

Studio Classes & Workshops

  • Backbend Special

    80 Minutes Workshop

    Welcome to our Backbend Mastery Workshop, an enlightening journey into spine anatomy and core empowerment designed to elevate your backbend practice to new heights. In this immersive experience, you'll delve deep into the intricacies of the spine, fortify your core foundation, and master advanced backbend postures. Join us and unlock the secrets to graceful, expressive backbends that will leave you feeling more robust, flexible, and spiritually connected. Feel welcome to book this session only if you consider yourself an experienced Yoga practitioner

  • Split Special

    80 Minutes Workshop

    Join our Split Special Class, a dedicated journey towards achieving graceful and effortless splits. In this immersive experience, you'll focus on unlocking flexibility in your hips and legs, empowering you to perform splits efficiently. Delve deep into targeted stretches and techniques to enhance your lower body's range of motion. Join us to discover the secrets of achieving beautiful splits, perfect for anyone looking to increase their flexibility and unlock their full potential.

  • Inversion Special

    80 Minutes Workshop

    Step into the Inversion Oasis, a unique class that will flip your yoga practice on its head. In this immersive experience, we'll take you on a journey into the art of inversions, building physical strength and mental resilience. Dive into the mechanics of inversions, establish a firm foundation, and refine your inversion techniques. Join us in uncovering the secrets to fluid, confident inversions that will leave you feeling grounded, empowered, and spiritually attuned. This class is perfect for experienced yogis looking to elevate their practice and embrace the upside-down world of inversions.